Facilitator and Member Background
By filling this out you help us shape the Missing Corner into a tree of life for our Hwy 141 Community. Every single person has accomplishments and knowledge worth celebrating, we want to honor you and your efforts and we want to be able to provide services and offerings that best support you. If you have already filled this out, then no need to fill it out again unless your circumstances have changed or you want to update your info that we have on file.
This information is primarily used internally so we can tailor what we offer to best serve our local community. We won’t share any of your information with anyone, privately or publicly without your permission.
If we have your permission to share some of your information, it will always be done with the intent to form connections that foster community resiliency or promote you and your public events in positive ways so that people can connect with you and what you do.
The more detail you provide, the more we can celebrate what makes you unique and amazing to foster genuine neighborly and organic connections. So I encourage you to take some time, sit down and respond thoughtfully.